Situated high above Town Edinburgh Castle is both a lookout point and landmark for Edinburgh. When I first arrived in Edinburgh, it took quite a while until I’ve seen the Castle for the first time. Edinburgh Castle sits high above all the Houses and Buildings on Castle Hill. I just missed the daily one o’clock Gun and just wandering around smaller houses I simply did not see it. But then, when I walked closer to Prince Street there it finally was, Edinburgh Castle. It was even kind of a ‘Where have you been all my Life‘-Moment. The weather was dull and grey and anyway cold, so I couldn’t stare at it for too long due to the cold winds. You will see a few Pictures of that first time on my 48h in Edinburgh Travel Diary. Luckily the next Day weather cleared up and the morning fog disappeared to make space for (partly) blue skies and even some sun.
The best way to access Edinburgh Castle on Castle Rock is to walk. You can either walk an un-picturesque road, or climb some stairs from the New Town and then walk the main path with a slight increase. In fact, Edinburgh Castle is not just one castle on a hill, it is an areal with nowadays several museums, a Café, Souvenir Shop and more. Besides the National War Museum in one house, another important attraction are the Crown Jewels. With the crown, sceptre and sword of state laid out for everyone to view you also learn a lot about their history, and the History of Scotland. What else you can discover can be found here on the Castle Website. A Highlight for me was also the view. Especially during sunset, it was so nice to see how widespread the City of Edinburgh is, with the Hills as a backdrop.
The Ticket Prices for adults are right now £16.50, for children aged 5 to 15 £9.90 and for adults over the age of 60 £13.20. If you are not into history, from before the entrance of the Castle, the Castle Esplanade, you will find nice spots for a nice view, too.
Address Edinburgh Castle
Edinburgh Castle
Opening Hours: Summer (1 Apr – 30 Sept) 9:30 am – 6:00 pm, last entry by 5pm
Winter (1 Oct – 31 Mar) 9:30 am – 5:00 pm, last entry by 4pm