How far is Vaduz / Liechtenstein from Zurich?

How far is Liechtenstein from Zurich, and how do you travel between Vaduz and Zurich? Zurich Airport might not be the closest airport to Liechtenstein, it’s St. Gallen-Altenrhein mainly operated by People’s Airlines, yet Zurich Kloten is the biggest one nearby with the most international connections. Additionally, Zurich central train station is well connected across Europe, too. Daily direct connections include Milan, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Paris and plenty more. You can easily travel in between Zurich and Vaduz, as the distance is not too far. Find out below how far Zurich from Vaduz is, how to travel in between, and how long it will take (by train).

How to travel in between Zurich and Liechtenstein (Vaduz) and vice versa

Zurich Airport is an important gateway to travel, internationally, to Liechtenstein. Below I have featured the most common ways to travel in between both Zurich Airport in Kloten, as well as the main train station. As the Lyra Train only takes around 4 hours from Paris Gare Lyon Station to Zurich HB central train station, I have also mentioned the possibilities from the train station in Zurich. As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to comment below!

Zurich – Liechtenstein by Train

My preferred way of travel, in between Zurich and Liechtenstein, is by Train. Numerous trains are connecting both areas daily, the train system in Switzerland is very intuitive, and on time, therefore there is almost no reason to travel environmentally-friendly, and using public transportation 😉

Your journey from Zurich Airport towards Liechtenstein always starts by taking a train to Zurich HB, the central train station of the city. Travel time is between 9 and 14 minutes, and trains run almost one after another. You can also take a Tram Train (overground), but travel time is closer to 42 minutes – but sightseeing included. The Train at Zurich Airport runs from the underground level indoor, the tram from the ground level outdoor.

From Zurich HB you are now taking a Train to Sargans, which is still in Switzerland. Sargans is situated right by the border in the south of Liechtenstein. There is a bi-hourly bus running from Sargans through the whole country, including Vaduz, until Feldkirch in Austria, at the northern border. During the day there are dozens of trains connecting Zurich and Sargans, the travel time is between 55 minutes (direct) and 1 hour and 41 minutes (1 change).

You can buy your train tickets either at each train station counter, or ticket machine, or online/ via mobile. The website is (the operator of the trains in Switzerland, Swiss Federal Railways SBB-CFF-FFS) and the mobile app is named the same, SBB.

Zurich – Liechtenstein by Bus

Unfortunately, there is no long-distance bus station within Liechtenstein; therefore it’s recommended to use a train and a from Sargans on a Bus instead.

Zurich – Liechtenstein by Car

The distance of the most direct route towards Vaduz via motorways is 115 km from Zurich Airport, and 109 km from Zurich HB Train Station. The travel time on tollways (motorways) is 1:20 hours / 1:40 hours, on slower country roads 2:20 hours / 2:30 hours.

Zurich – Liechtenstein by helicopter / private plane

Well, this is a rather extravagant option. But, there is a small airport for private aircraft in Liechtenstein, in Balzers. If chartering a private aircraft such as a helicopter or plane is in your budget, your destination airport will be this airport. You can also start on sightseeing-helicopter-tours from Balzers; more Info can be found on the companies website here.

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