Joy Della Vita

Live the joy of life, one adventure at a time.

public bus north cape norway

By public bus to the North Cape / Nordkapp from Alta – price & timetable/schedule

The most sustainable option to travel to the Nordkapp, the North Cape, is by taking a bus. Trains aren’t running anywhere nearby the most northernmost point of the European landmass, and for sure there is also no e-scooter sharing available. Maybe you could learn how to ride a deer… but back to informing you on getting to the North Cape Visitor Centre. As north as the Nordkapp is located, exactly at 71°10′21″N 25°47′04″E, the winters are dark and long, furthermore, summer is a bright spectacle all day. Keep in mind the Bus is only running from May till the end of September, each with a travel time of 4,5 hours one-way.

North Cape Express from Alta to Nordkapp

There are only limited connections to the North Cape, two arrive there, and only one leaf. Below you will find an extract from the timetable, to view the complete table will all stop in between, check out this PDF by the operating company Snelandia. As the bus ride is quite long, why not staying a night in Honningsvag?

Snelandia bus north cape norway
blue Snelandia bus at the north cape in norway

Timetable Bus Route 062 Alta – Olderfjord – Honningsvåg

May 1st – September 30th 2020

Alta sentrum 6:40 9:00
Honnigsvag/Nordkapphuset 10:30 13:00
North Cape Visitor Centre 11:20 13:50


North Cape Visitor Centre 14:20
Honnigsvag/Nordkapphuset 15:10
Alta sentrum 18:52


Tickets for North Cape Express / Nordkappexpressen

Tickets can be bought on board the bus, or via the Snelandia App (for iOs and Android), search for “Snelandia mobilett”.

scenery drive north cape norway
beautiful scenery on the drive towards north cape
