Are crib exhibitions something for elderly people only? Absolutely not! I went to the Crib Exhibition at the New Castle Tettnang and was positively surprised at how much I liked it. Oriental Cribs, traditional ones from the Austrian region Vorarlberg, Peruvian ones or built-in special forms like illuminated boxes. They exhibited something for everyone’s taste and they absolutely boosted my excitement for the Christmas Season.
It’s already the second exhibition in the rooms of the Museum in the New Castle of the Counts of Montfort in Tettnang, after 2014. More than 30 cribs, in the baroque surrounding, picture-perfectness at its best. In between, you can find some poetry by local authors, in the German language. The crib exhibition is open during the Christmas market and regularly until January 6th. The entree fee for kids is free, adults have to pay 3,50€ per Person. Groups larger than 15 People are just 3,00€ per Person. You can find more about the Christmas Crib exhibition on —.