Since early January it is mandatory to wear proper protection indoors – FFP2 masks are required in Germany! Cases in Germany are currently spiking, again, due to the newest virus mutation. Therefore the protection measures for the general public have been adjusted. You are required to wear FFP2/N95 masks indoors in Germany. Weather its in a supermarket, restaurant or any other indoors place, regular blue thin masks aren’t sufficient anymore. For sure the run to purchase and demand for those “safer” masks is super high right now. The night the new measures have been announced, I shopped a few packs on amazon for instant delivery. Some models aren’t event available anymore, just a few days later… If you are currently looking to buy FFP2 Masks in Germany, below some examples. Personally I have only had great experiences with the company named ctc connexions – I’m not affiliated with them by any means, am only a customer. For sure its not guaranteed you won’t catch Omicron/Corona, but the chances are definitely much lower with a proper FFP2 mask.
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Besides this company for colorful FFP2 masks in Germany, I can also recommend the following product: LEIKANG FFP2 Atemschutzmaske Mund- und Nasenschutz 1Box=20Stück.