Joy Della Vita

Live the joy of life, one adventure at a time.

Mügleggbahn St. Gallen

Mühleggbahn St. Gallen

Somehow I have a thing for inclined elevators and funiculars, it’s like the joy of a kid when riding a regular elevator for the first time. To go up the hills outside St. Gallen I’ve chosen the Mühleggbahn St. Gallen for a one-way ride on the mountain. The valley station is easy to reach and just a few steps away from the City Center and the Gallusplatz. As it’s very provincial and tiny swiss-like the Mühleggbahn St. Gallen has just one cabin that runs fully automatically between the two stations. Daily from 5:40 am to 0:50 am. It’s not running on a set table, if you’re at one station and need it, just press the button to call the cabin. Either it’s coming automatically or you have to wait until the people on the other station have left/have entered. The ride takes 5/6 minutes and most of the time it’s crossing through a deep black tunnel. This might be a bit scary for some when you go up or down at an angle of up to 28 degrees, but I think everyone survived it until now.. anyway, it’s quite a nice experience and you save some time when visiting St. Gallen.
The Mühleggbahn is already located at the same spot since 1893, at that time as a water-weight cableway.

For the prices, scroll down to the last picture.

Address of the Mühleggbahn St. Gallen Locations

Valley Station: St. Georgen Strasse 10
Mountain Station: St. Georgen Strasse 42

Pictures of Mühleggbahn St. Gallen

Mühleggbahn St. Gallen
Totally loved this scene in front of the Mühleggbahn St. Gallen 🙂
Mühleggbahn St. Gallen
Mühleggbahn St. Gallen
Inside the Mühleggbahn St. Gallen
Inside the Mühleggbahn St. Gallen
View from Mühleggbahn on St. Gallen
View from Mühleggbahn on St. Gallen
Prices for Mühleggbahn St. Gallen
Prices for Mühleggbahn St. Gallen
