Categories Train Travel Germany

How to travel to Baden-Baden from Karlsruhe, Frankfurt and Zurich

Baden-Baden has always been a top-notch address for luxury holidays. Similar to Monaco or St. Moritz, Baden-Baden as well attracts the rich & elegant. Read here how you can easily travel to Baden-Baden, from the cities of Karlsruhe, Frankfurt (Airport) and Zurich (Airport). Baden-Baden is well connected by public transportation, thanks to a station connected to both regional and fast-trains.
If you would rather wish to travel to Baden-Baden by air, in another article I have already shared info on how to conveniently get from Baden-Baden Karlsruhe Airport to the city.

How to travel to Baden-Baden by public transportation

The easiest option to travel to Baden-Baden is by train. Baden-Baden does not only have a connection to German Deutsche Bahn trains, ICE, but also to French TGV fast trains. This ensures short travel times with often no exchanges. Direct train to Paris for example, or even Hamburg! Regional trains are great for travels of shorter distance, for example to Karlsruhe, Freiburg or Stuttgart. Read here below about the best options on how to travel to Baden-Baden, from Karlsruhe, Frankfurt and Zurich. Both Frankfurt and Zurich are interesting destinations due to their old towns, yet both have their own big international airports with connections to hundreds of countries combined.
All prices are for people aged above 27, and connections are checked for a random Saturday 2 months in advance.

How to travel to Baden-Baden from Karlsruhe

Karlsruhe is the closest bigger city to Baden-Baden, and both even share an airport – FKB or Baden-Airport. Many regional trains as well as long-distance trains connect the both cities. When purchasing a ticket, make sure to check if it’s a slow or fast train as prices vary! Find examples for both below.
For other travel info in the region of Baden-Baden and Karlsruhe, consult the website of the local mobility operator,

Example Connection 1:

Karlsruhe HBF 10:07 – RE 2 – 10:30 Baden-Baden
0:23 h 0 changes 8,10 € per adult

Example Connection 1:

Karlsruhe HBF 11:11 – ICE 71 – 11:27 Baden-Baden
0:16 h 0 changes 15,10 € per adult

How to travel to Baden-Baden from Frankfurt

As both Frankfurt main station (Hauptbahnhof) and Frankfurt Fernbahnhof (the airports main station for long-distance trains) are important hubs for train travellers, find below example connections for departures at each station. Both stations offer plenty of Food, Drink and Supermarket options, to fuel you up with snacks and drinks, if you do not wish to visit the DB Bordbistro (check out their example on board menu here).

Example Connection 1 – Frankfurt HBF – Baden-Baden:

Frankfurt HBF 10:06 – ICE 71 – 11:17 Baden-Baden
1:21 h 0 changes 19,90 € per adult

Example Connection 1 – Frankfurt Airport Fernbahnhof – Baden-Baden:

Frankfurt Fernbahnhof 11:52 – ICE 105 & ICE 73 – 13:27 Baden-Baden
1:35 h 1 change 29,90 € per adult

How to travel to Baden-Baden from Zurich

Even though a border-crossing is customary for this train journey from Zurich to Baden-Baden, you won’t have to deal with any border controls. Usually, during non-pandemic phases. Just board your train at Zurich HB, with some Luxemburgerli Macarons by Sprüngli in your luggage, and arrive relaxed at Baden-Baden Bahnhof.

Example Connection 1:

Zurich HB 09:59 – ICE 74 – 12:30 Baden-Baden
2:31 h 0 changes 29,90 €

Example Connection 2:

Zurich Airport 10:38 – IR 3262 & EC 8 – 13:50 Baden-Baden
3:12 h 1 change 35,90 €

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