How to travel to Schwarzenberg from Bregenz, Feldkirch and Dornbirn

How can you easily travel to Schwarzenberg in Bregenz Forest / Bregenzerwald in Austria? The Bregenzerwald Bregenzer Forest is a popular recreation area not too far from Lake Constance. Whether for a day trip or a long weekend, the area is always recommended if you are looking for pure nature, relaxation or to get active. Find here the best solutions on how to easily travel to Bregenz Forest in Vorarlberg, and where to park if you are travelling by car.

You might also want to check out my articles about Schwarzenberg and Vorarlberg in general.

Getting to the Bregenzerwald by bus / public transport

The best solution to travel to Bregenzerwald will be by public transportation. As the trains are only passing by the bigger cities such as Bregenz or Dornbirn, you will need to change to a bus at least for the final stretch to Bregenz Forest. As the area is quite wide stretched, due to its mountains, I will focus on how you can get to Schwarzenberg. It’s relatively closely located to Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Germany. Hence making it a great destination which can be reached even for a day trip only.

For public transportation in Vorarlberg, Austria, go check out, the national train operator, or the local operator for buses. Especially for additional timetables and current ticket fares.

Travel to Schwarzenberg from Bregenz by bus

Travel from Germany to Bregenz (Friedrichshafen or Allgäu/Memmingen via Lindau) or from Switzerland (Zurich or St. Gallen)

08:41 Bregenz Hafen Bahnhof –  S1 to Bludenz Bahnhof
08:59 Dornbirn Bahnhof

09:05 Dornbirn Bahnhof – Landbus 38
09:34 Schwarzenberg Dorfplatz

Duration: 53 minutes – Price: 6,50 € per adult

Travel to Schwarzenberg from Feldkirch by bus

Travel from Liechtenstein with LIEbus or western Austria (Innsbruck, Vienna) to Feldkirch

08:00 Feldkirch Bahnhof – S1 Bregenz Hafen Bahnhof
08:33 Schwarzach Bahnhof

08:39 Schwarzach Bahnhof – Landbus 35
09:08 Schwarzenberg Dorfplatz

Duration: 1:08 hours – Price: 9,70 € per adult

Travel to Schwarzenberg from Dornbirn by bus

08:05 Dornbirn Bahnhof – Landbus 38
08:34 Schwarzenberg Dorfplatz

Duration: 29 minutes – Price: 4,40 € per adult

Parking in Bregenzerwald for hiking in spring, summer, autumn

If you are travelling to Schwarzenberg by car or camper however, you wont need to know where bus stations are located. You will much rather need info on where it’s best to park your vehicle. May it be a motorbike or car, parking on the side of the road is usually not possible. It’s a rural area, and hence space for roads is limited and lanes are small. If there are designated parking spaces at the roadside, you for sure are allowed to park there according to the signs on site. In another article I have already written about the parking situation at Bödele to go hiking for the day.

how to travel to schwarzenberg by bus - bus stop in Schwarzenberg vorarlberg blogger joydellavita

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