Relaunch JoyDellaVita Travelblog YouTube Video Header

It’s official: Relaunch of the Joy Della Vita YouTube Channel

You might have noticed it this past week if you are already a subscriber of the Joy Della Vita YouTube Channel (it’s free, you should definitely do it here!), a new upload happened on the channel. After having not used it for literal years, a new upload. Wow, so exciting! This new upload actually wasn’t a recent upload, I just figured to finally release some videos I have previously uploaded but never published way back in 2017. They have waited long enough, they should be ready to see the day of light of the youtube universe now. But, jokes aside, the Joy Della Vita YouTube Channel is officially relaunched!

Joy Della Vita YouTube Channel – new Video every Friday!

So exciting: up from now, there will be a new video every week. Every Friday, with the weekend ahead. As of right now, there isn’t an official weekly upload time yet, but let’s say somewhat on the afternoon of each Friday. Last week I have finally released a Hotel Room Tour of my very first stay in Dresden, at the Hyperion Hotel so close to every major sight in the city centre – Zwinger, Frauenkirche, Shopping and the very best vegan Currywurst in town.

Upcoming content for the JoyDellaVita Travelblog YouTube

As the first new Video has finally been published, what else can you expect from the JoyDellaVita Travelblog YouTube Channel? Of course, you will, again, receive plenty of Hotel Room Tour Videos, in addition to more mode of transportation-kind of videos, as well as plenty of educational videos. Especially for the “Business of Blogging”-Category, with explainer/educational Videos and Tutorials for newbie bloggers or everyone interested in certain topics. However, I will clearly try to keep the focus on Travel and travel-related mobility and travel-related shopping tips for Travel Gear and such. Sounds good to you? Great, I’m happy about this!

If you are missing certain topics or have additional ideas/requests for upcoming Travel Videos on my YouTube, feel free to submit those via the Blogpost request form, and add the phrase “video” or “youtube” so I will know it’s a request especially for a video!

Stay safe, and enjoy your winter inside in front of YouTube, instead of meeting people and catching a virus with evil longlasting side-effects (#longcovid). And of course, don’t forget to subscribe to my Channel to instantly discover new content once it is published.