
5 Science-backed ways for calming the Monkey Mind

The term ‘Monkey Mind’ is derived from Buddhism, and it refers to a mind which is ‘unsettled’ and ‘restless’. Unfortunately, many people today have a monkey mind considering the fast-paced lives we all are leading. While calming your head is more of a personal process, and everybody has their own ways of dealing with it, science believes there are certain ways that might be helpful for everyone.
In this blog, we have shared five science-backed ways to quiet the monkey mind and live a more peaceful life. Read on.

#1 Learn the Art of Mindfulness
In the most simple words, mindfulness is the process of paying attention to the present moment on purpose and without any judgment. It is helpful when you’re stuck at a thing and need instant grounding at the moment. And the most convenient part is that you can choose to be mindful at any point in time, regardless of where you are and what you’re doing.

#2 Add Cannabis to Your Routine
Another popular way to calm your restless mind is by trying cannabis and CBD. A major chunk of Americans smoke weed to relieve their stress, anxiety and get body relaxation. The younger generation is more into vaping as it’s considered a healthier alternative to smoking. For that, they use vape devices as many brands sell thc cartridge for sale, so it also becomes affordable for users. Now, if you’re using THC juice for vaping, make sure that it contains not more than 0.3 % THC.

#3 Acceptance Is the Key
One of the most effective ways to reduce anxiety and gain control over a situation is by accepting reality. Try to accept your current situation without being biased or without trying to change it. Just acknowledge what you’re going through and take it as something that is out of your control. This frees you from the cycle of worrying and allows you to focus on the solution and not the problem.

#4 Cognitive Behavior Therapy Helps
CBT, or cognitive behavior therapy, has been used to treat different mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and PTSD. During the therapy, the therapist teaches a person to analyze the negative thought pattern they often get into and then consciously replace it with a new thought which is based on reality. They’re asked to follow this tactic whenever they get stuck in their thought pattern and find it hard to get out of the rut.

#5 Speak Out Your Thoughts or Write Them
Talking in your head and talking to a person are two different things and can have different effects. When you verbalize your thoughts, you generate a story and add meaning to that story. Hence, that can help you feel calm. Or, if you don’t feel comfortable sharing your thoughts, you can write them down. Writing your thoughts and feelings gives you more clarity and stops the mind from chattering.

Taking a Recap
There are a lot of ways that can help settle mind chatter, but the harsh truth is that none of them will be effective at all times. Sometimes all you need to do is accept that your mind is built to chatter and make unnecessary predictions. Thus, all you can do is differentiate between practical thoughts and those that are not. When you follow this approach and practice it over time, you will eventually get a hold over your mind.