cornetti con crema pasticcera

What to eat for breakfast in Italy – colazione in Italia

Breakfast in Italy – what do Italians typically eat? And especially, what do we tourists have to order to feel just like a real Italian? Whether it’s a week-long vacation on the Adriatic in an all-inclusive or at least full-board hotel, or in a small bed & breakfast hotel in one of the country’s many beautiful cities and metropolises. The bigger the hotel, the more international the breakfast offer will be. Especially in important economic like financial cities like Milan or Rome, you will get everything at breakfast to choose from. But, do you need this at all, this surplus? Why not enjoy it locally, like the local population? After all, you often come to a country precisely because of the local culture, then you should also come into contact with the typical customs. The smaller a hotel or B&B is, the less choice you usually get, and the more typical the offerings become. Below for you below also some impressions of my breakfasts from previous trips to Italy, and the typical breakfast offer.

Breakfast in Italy

A classic breakfast in Italy is quick to consume, and especially fortifying in terms of caffeine. In the last post I already wrote about until what time it is okay to order and drink cappuccino in Italy, and this of course applies perfectly to the Italian breakfast.
Breakfast in Italy usually consists of two components – something sweet, and something fortifying to drink.

If you like to eat sweet for breakfast, you will love the first meal of the day in Italy. Breakfast cakes, croissants and brioches each either plain or filled or of course something fresh like a fruit salad or fruit and yoghurt. The starchy component is often a cappuccino, which is velvety whipped milk with milk foam and an espresso. With more warm milk than a latte or, of course, if time is short, just an espresso. That’s just a big sip anyway, with the full force of caffeine.

Of course, you can also enjoy a Panini sandwich bread with cold cuts for breakfast if you are more on the hearty side. Yummy bread filled with thinly sliced Mortadella, Prosciutto Crudo or Caprese (tomato and mozzarella) is also more than delicious.



Ordering breakfast in Italy, in Italian

To know at least a few phrases for your breakfast in Italy, here are some phrases and words that will be helpful for you.

Breakfast – Colazione

What do you eat for breakfast in Italy? – Cosa si mangia a colazione in Italia?

Do you offer Italian breakfast? – Offrite la colazione italiana?

I would like to order a croissant – do you have croissants with custard, chocolate or pistachio filling? – Vorrei ordinare un cornetto – avete cornetti con ripieno di crema, cioccolato o pistacchio?

For me please a cappuccino and a slice of breakfast cake. – Per me, per favore, un cappuccino e una fetta di torta da colazione.

Do you offer savoury breakfasts as well? Sausage, cheese, butter or cream cheese and bread? – Offrite anche la colazione salata? Salsiccia, formaggio, burro o crema di formaggio e pane?

Do you only have slices of bread or rolls as well? – Avete solo fette di pane o anche panini?

Do you also offer fruit salad or fruit with yoghurt for breakfast? – Offrite anche macedonia di frutta o frutta con yogurt a colazione?

Cornetto Crema pasticcera Florence Breakfast in Italy
typical breakfast in Italy – a Cornetto con crema pasticcera



5 responses to “What to eat for breakfast in Italy – colazione in Italia”

  1. […] cornetti. Heavenly! Unfortunately I was never able to sample them, only indulged in a second Italian breakfast, but they also offer Pizza and other full meals. If you are hungry, they are also your place to […]

  2. […] The history of the origin of Torta Caprese itself is very short. In the 1920s a baker situated on Capri simply forgot to add flour to a chocolate cake recipe, and to his surprise, the Cake turned out excellent. The cake is dense, moist and irresistible. And soon, this accident became a staple in Italian cuisine. You may often find the Caprese Cake at Hotel Breakfast Buffets and pasticcerias/bakeries in the Campania region, and all over Italy. Cakes are often enjoyed for breakfast in Italy. […]

  3. […] Among their selection of snacks, we went for something typical. In another dedicated blogpost I wrote about Italian breakfast, if you are interested. One Cornetto with Crema and one Cornetto with marmalade, both have been the […]

  4. […] friendly, I definitely have to go here again! As the dish is quite hearty, its recommended to only enjoy a small Italian breakfast […]

  5. […] that departure times are only every 15 minutes. So, we had to wait for 2 rounds. For refreshments or an Italian breakfast, there is a Bar located inside the building offering Hot Coffee as well as chilled drinks, ice […]