OutDoor is a trade fair in southern Germany for sports, travel and everything that happens out of your door. To celebrate the first evening I joined the american shoe manufacturer Crocs for their Crocs BarBQ at OutDoor Friedrichshafen 2016. As it’s a fair only for buyers, journalists and all the other business related people, normal people don’t have access to it. What a shame actually, as you can discover so many cool brands and products in such a small area. Or, like in my experience, you can discover products that you didn’t know about.
When thinking about the Brand crocs I always had a picture of the bulky – but comfortable to the max – crocs clogs in mind. But at OutDoor Friedrichshafen 2016 I was thought otherwise. There are big green crocs-logos all around the booth, but I was irritated if I’m really at the right one. Feminine Shoes, Boots, Shoes for outdoor activities and even evening-attire. Crocs added shoes of this type to their range already a few years ago, but somehow I’ve never seen them. I’m not a big online-shopping kinda person and in stores I’ve always seen the Clogs, and not THIS kind of fancy shoes. Do You have crocs shoes?
The Crocs Party at OutDoor Friedrichshafen 2016 was very nice – nice talks, I met great new people, delicious food and lovely live music – everything a good evening needs! Check out the Pictures below, I’ve taken all with the Galaxy S7!
Crocs BarBQ Party at OutDoor Friedrichshafen 2016 / discovering their product range

Thanks to crocs for the invitation to join this evening!