Now that NASA’s Perseverance Rover has successfully landed on the surface of MARS as planned, whats next? Almost 11 million people have submitted their name for “Send your Name to Mars” Boardingpasses for yesterdays landed flight to Mars. Almost 5 Million have already signed up for an upcoming NASA Flight to Mars. So, now that millions of humans have landed on Mars, the next best thing to do is take a selfie. Because that’s done nowadays, right?

In this Marsian photo booth by NASA, you can upload a picture of yourself, or of seasoned traveller Ted Cruz, for an out-of-this-world memorabilia. If we cant travel right now due to a worldwide pandemic, why not travelling to Mars instead? Dusty Mars Selfies instead of Beach-Life Selfies – better than nothing! Once you have clicked on the NASA Mars Perseverance Photo Booth Link HERE, you can upload a picture, and choose out of 8 different backgrounds. You know, that Marsian background that best fits your eye-colour 😉 Also, the tool even automatically erases the background, so only your face will be visible. But no worries, the pictures won’t be stored on some NASA backend for long, if you take too long to choose the right background, the session will time out and you will have to re-upload the picture.
Have fun with this tool! When sharing those Photo Booth Selfies on Social Media, make sure to add the following hashtags: #Mars2020 #CountdownToMars and if you want, make sure to follow the rover at @NASAPersevere on Twitter for updates these upcoming 9+ years of its discoveries on the red planet.