Read here how and where to buy your Salerno to Amalfi Bus Tickets, and how to save some money. The Amalfi Coast of Italy is one of the more prestigious areas of the country. With one more picturesque city nestled on the shores, crawling into the rowing hills, with deep blue waters and lush greenery. Amalfi is a namesake for the area, Atrani, Portofino or Ravello to name just a few highlights of the coast. As the cities, or rather towns, are rather tiny, and the roads, even so, it’s recommended to arrive by public transportation. By Bus to be more precise. If you are travelling from Florence, Rome or Naples, it’s recommended to take a train to Salerno and change over to a Bus.
Find here below all the necessary information you will need before your Salerno to Amalfi Bus journey. Especially where to find current timetables, when bus services run, and how and where to buy your Salerno to Amalfi Bus Tickets. The area is so stunning, your experience should not be ruined by not “getting” the public transportation system there!
Where to find the bus timetable online for the Salerno to Amalfi Coast Busses
Buses for and to the Amalfi Coast are operated by SITA bus and SITA SUD. As the website is only in Italian, it’s recommended to check out the well-administered website by the city of Ravello. They have all the timetables on their page.
Check out: the SITA Bus Website
Ravello Website displaying the Routes & Schedules for Scala-Ravello-Amalfi, Amalfi-Positano-Sorrento, Amalfi-Maiori-Salerno, Amalfi-Naples, Amalfi-Agerola-Naples (for the Path of the Gods), Amalfi-Pogerola, Amalfi-Conca dei Marini-Tovere, Maiori-Tramonti-Nocera, Naples Airport-Salerno, Naples-Salerno
How much does a ticket for the Salerno to Amalfi Bus cost
When it comes to purchasing tickets for and at the Amalfi coast, there are two different types of tickets available. Corsa Singola and Orario tickets. You might also be interested in how much postcards in Italy cost.
What are Corsa Singola tickets: this type of ticket is valid for one ride only.
If you leave your Bus earlier, for example, if you have spotted a nice viewpoint, you won’t be able to enter another bus again as the ticket was already validated in another bus. One ticket, one ride.
What are Orario tickets: this type of ticket is valid for one journey, which may include changing buses to reach the destination.
For example, if you want to reach Positano from Salerno, you will have to change buses in Amalfi. This is possible with this type of ticket. Also, if you want to leave the bus in between and enter the next one, as this is one ticket for one journey.
You can find an overview of current prices for both ticket types online here:
Where to buy your Salerno to Amalfi Bus Tickets
Tickets for Italian buses are not sold inside the Bus! There is no machine and the driver is not a salesman either! Be aware you will need to purchase your tickets before boarding a bus, and you need to validate them when entering. Just insert the paper ticket into the small device until it ticks and the date/time is printed on the ticket.
The tickets are sold at Tabaccherie Tobacco shops, newspaper stands, bars, caffés and general shops at the Amalfi Coast, Sorrento, and Salerno areas. Nearby a bus stop you will always find at least one shop selling tickets. Often, they have the SITA Bus / SITA Sud Logo somewhere in their window. This helps us tourists easily to indicate which shops sell tickets.
For what kind of Salerno to Amalfi Bus Tickets you will need, read the above section for prices.

All info as of May 2022.