Derma E Travel Duo

Travel Beauty Duo by Derma-E: Face Oil and Scrub

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When it comes to packing, I prefer to travel as light as possible. However, you still want to pack enough items and not end up missing the most important things at home. This does not only apply to clothes or shoes, but to beauty and wellness products as well. So, beauty-wise, I have scaled my routine down to just two products. A Face Oil, and a Scrub. What else will you really need anyway?

Derma-E kindly sent me those two products, and they really changed up my travel beauty routine. An illuminating face oil, applied on a freshly scrubbed baby soft skin thanks to the Microdermabrasion Scrub, so nice! If you are yourself not sure about your skin type or what you are looking for, on the dermae website you can shop by theme – facial care, anti-ageing, acne & therapeutics as well as sun, body & hair care. May you have a little troubled skin or are planning a trip to a sunny destination and need some protection, you will easily find your favoured products. To top the face oil for the day (I usually only use the scrub once a week), I sometimes use the Derma-E SPF 30 Mineral Powder for a more matte look and important sun protection.

If you are new to Derma-E, their products are 100% vegan, cruelty-free, GMO-free (no genetically modified organisms), gluten-free, soy-free and they have a sustainable concern as they use wind energy. On their website they have also shared tips on recycling, you might want to read them yourself here. (it’s rare for a cosmetics/beauty brand to actually care about recycling and our environment…)

What are your beauty travel essentials? What are the products you cand live/travel without? Please comment below, I’m interested in what you are using 🙂

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