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What is german Radler Beer? saures / süßes Radler

Have you ever enjoyed a Radler Beer? When in Germany, you need to drink Beer! eine Halbe is a portion of half a litre or 500 ml pure Beer. But, beer is not always beer, there are also different kids such as Pils or stouts. However, in Germany you don’t always drink pure beer, sometimes you mix it up. To turn the alcoholic beverage into something even more enjoyable, there is the drink called Radler. It’s typical to Germany, as well as Austria, and you can find Radler in all supermarkets and on restaurant menus. But, what is this Radler? A special kind of beer?

Explanation: Radler Beer Mix Drink

A Radler is a mix of usually something like 50/50. 50 % beer and 50 % either water or lemonade. Regarding the water both still but preferrably sparkling water is used, the lemonade has to be sweet lemon lemonade. Definitely no orange lemonade like Fanta, you want to use Sprite for it!
So, how does Radler taste? As it’s an “elongated” version of Beer, its definitely more drinkable for most people. If raw beer is too strong to drink for some, süßes Radler will definitely kill most of the herb taste due to the sweet lemonade. It will basically taste like a bit more strong-herby-tasting lemonade. In the sour version, a saures Radler will definitely taste a bit more sour than regular beer, but will be as tasty. Especially on a hot summer day, there is barely anything more refreshign than a cold Radler in a Biergarten Beergarden Restaurant. Especially if you can sit in the shadow underneath trees or somewhere with a stunning view.

When in Germany, you definitely have to try a Radler! Or, mix it yourself.

Recipe: Preparing a sweet or sour Radler yourself

When using a 500 m glass, use 250 ml beer of your choice and mix it with 250 ml sparkling water/soda or 250 ml lemon lemonade. There is also a rather reconsiled version of “Radler süß-sauer” which consists of 50% beer 25% sparkling water and 25% sweet lemonade. To each their own, right?

Just make sure you drink your Radler Beer mix chilled! In the featured image above you can see a pre-mixed store-bought regional Radler from southern Germany/Upper Swabia. It’s available in various versions, such Sauer (left one), classic (sweet, right one) or Naturtrüb (uniltered, not pictures) or in winter a special “Schneeradler” (Snowradler) version.

left hand with radler beer
saures Radler / sour Radler Beer

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