Tre Cime di Lavaredo Rescue Helicopter

Is it safe to travel to Tre Cime di Lavaredo as a female solo traveller?

Is it safe to travel to Tre Cime di Lavaredo as a female solo traveller, alone? You are definitely free to do whatever you want and like, but should you always do what may come to your mind? The Tre Cime are a spectacular sight in the Italian dolomites. They are a UNESCO World heritage and are visited by the hundreds, daily. The peak season for visits is June/July till September/October. In this short period, the masses rush to an elevation of more than 2,300 metres above sea level to take in the views. Most opt for a hike around the impressive three distinctive battlement-like peaks, some however decide to climb them. And this is the biggest reason for the frequent daily rescue activities by helicopter. I witnessed half a dozen rescue missions during my brief time on site. There have always been accidents if rescue helicopters arrive at Tre Cime, sometimes even immediate ends to precious lives. Hiking can also be dangerous, climbing even more so.

I personally wouldn’t consider it safe to travel to Tre Cime di Lavaredo alone, whether the gender I identify with. Hence I can’t recommend for you to travel to Tre Cime as a solo female traveller. Such an alpine region can be dangerous, hence it’s always better to visit in pairs or as a group. It’s just for safety reasons. Without your own active fault, a falling stone could hit you or you could heavily sprain an ankle. That’s why it’s better to be with someone who can take immediate care of you, and know you. Just in case… but of course, I’m crossing my fingers and I hope nothing will ever happen to you at Tre Cime di Lavaredo / Drei Zinnen!!

Read more about my adventures in the Dolomites and in Italy in general.