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These Twitter accounts regularly host Twitter Spaces

Twitter Spaces is an audio format of the short message network Twitter. By the end of April, Spaces was still in beta mode. Through this, numerous users worldwide have already had the opportunity to use the functionality and possibilities of Spaces on Twitter. As a host, the so-called “host”, or just as a listener. In a previous post, a short guide on how to participate in a Twitter Space for the first time was already published. Here, among other things, the various possibilities for interaction are discussed. But before you can interact with the other participants as a listener, you first have to join a Space. How exactly this works, technically speaking, was also mentioned in the article linked above. Below is a curated list of international Twitter users, some of whom open Spaces on Twitter very regularly. Often on no particular topic at all, as the topics can change very quickly during the conversation, but often on fixed topics or even game rounds. Since Twitter Spaces has been tested mainly in English-speaking countries so far, the following users are more international and located all over the world. Follow the users who appeal to you the most, and you’ll hardly ever miss out on joining a Space.

Recommended Twitter Spaces Hosts

Twitter Spaces host Joselin Mane @JoselinMane already created a list on Twitter at the beginning of April with the description “Twitter Spaces – Cool People that are Twitter Spaces Hosts and/or great guests!” By now, around 300 users are part of this list curated only by him, so it’s definitely worth taking a look at the members. Here below also some personal tips for users in whose Spaces you can and will definitely find me, with my Twitter account @theonlinelisa.

List by Joselin Mane:

Personal tips for Twitter Spaces hosts/host users:

Further, previous entries on Spaces in the Twitter Spaces article archive, as well as here:

What does the purple emoji 🟣 mean on Twitter? (purple dot, ball)