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Intentions & Goals Vision Board Template – Free Printable

This printable Intentions & Goals Vision Board Template will help you visualise your future goals and intentions, in order to accomplish them. If you want to reach something, you need to know the direction you want to go. You can’t have a big goal, without plotting a vague path towards where to go. Imagine you’re a small fish in a big water, sources of food could be anywhere. It’s probably dark, the water around you looks about the same in every direction. So, in what direction do you want to go, in order to find food? But is food everything you are looking for? Is food everywhere the same? Maybe you want to stop another fish and ask for guidance, maybe following your gut instinct and not thinking about where to go will lead you to the best source of food. Or maybe you can sense a little difference in how the water looks in every direction, and you decide where the water looks the best and healthiest, will be the right direction to go.

Visualising your personal and professional goals and intentions

This also goes for your personal as well as professional goals. You can have luck by just living day by day, without giving the future just any thought, and succeed and be given a great opportunity. But not everyone is this lucky, as you will – or should have – at least a slight vision of where you want to go. To accomplish this task, you can find a printable Intentions & Goals Vision Board Template in standard DIN A4 format below. Just print it, and fill out once you have a quick calm minute.
You can fill this out repeatedly, now, in 6 months, in 12 months,.. to check on your progress.

Regarding Goals VS Intentions, I have written about this topic in an earlier article of this series, which you can find here: Goals versus Intentions – what is the difference?

Free Goals and Intentions A4 printable

Start the download for this file here: personal & professional goal setting template

How you can fill out this template: Write what your goal or intention is, on the two lines. In the box, describe how you want to achieve this, how you want to work towards reaching it.

Examples can be:
Personal goal: joining a Gym
How to reach this personal goal: asking friends for recommendations/join a gym together

Professional goal: I want a raise!
How to reach this professional goal: asking boss for a raise, after I have successfully completed this project I’m currently on

One big goal: I want to buy a new car / build a house
How to reach this goal/work towards this intention: I finally want to get my finances in order and create a savings plan

This Article is part of a weekly series. Initial article: Introducing: Hello Spring – Hello new Me Series