Reopened in June 2017, Funicolare di Verona is a now mandatory form of transportation for tourists in Verona. Originally opened in 1941, the funicolare di Verona was closed just three short years later. However the demand for an easy transportation up to Castel San Pietro was steady, and so just last year the Funicolare reopened very modernised. Besides taking the Funicolare di Verona, it was always possible to walk up the Hill or to take a Car/Taxi. But after an already long day walking all around the City, who wants to climb that mountain by foot, when there is now a super convenient option, taking the Funicolare!? For reopening they mainly had to build the two stations, with a toilet for guests in the downstream station. For just 2€ per Person, you can travel up to Castel San Pietro in roughly 5 minutes. Not only the view from the Castel, and also during the ride, is more than stunning, also the ride itself is very entertaining and definitely worth a try. It’s almost like you’re driving a metro, so absolutely not comparable to a ski lift or something similar, it felt completely safe and steady. Even if you’re scared of height, you shouldn’t have any problems taking the Funicolare in Verona up to Castel San Pietro. Make sure to also check out my Video for an enhanced insight into the experience of the Funicolare in beautiful Verona. I can definitely recommend using it!
Address Funicolare di Verona
Downstream Station Veronetta: Vicolo Cieco Zini, 37129 Verona VR, Italy (easily reachable by foot from the city, parking right in front)
Upstream Station Castel San Pietro: Piazzale Castel S. Pietro, 37129 Verona VR, Italy (station itself can’t be reached by car, the exact location is 45°26’55.2″N 11°00’09.9″E)
Video and Pictures of my Trip with Funicolare di Verona from Veronetta to Castel San Pietro