Categories Food Health

how to switch up your diet after you had too much food on holidays

Indulging! Let’s be honest, who doesn’t like to indulge when on vacation? Tasting all the different dishes or just taking advantage of not having to cook for yourself, and just being able to buy something at every street corner. This doesn’t have to be dependent on a certain country you are travelling to, this can happen anywhere, but over-indulging can happen fast. So, how to switch up your diet after you had too much food on holidays is something everyone should consider.

Personally, I have already experienced this in Greece, when all I was eating for four days straight was fried. Fried veggies, fried potato slices, bread and tomatoes swimming in oil, sugary desserts and more. Oh, my word was I feeling ill after just the first two days. But, as a vegetarian, the selections have been limited and the occasional greek salad with cucumber, tomatoes and feta cheese just didn’t balance it out. Feeling ill on vacation isn’t worth anything, so a well-balanced food intake or hard reset is sometimes needed. Either after you have returned home, or while still on the road. I have concluded some personal tips for you on how to switch up your diet after you had too much food on holidays and want to feel healthy, light and like yourself again.

Amelia San Sebastian Donostia Tasting Menu Michelin Restaurant Review Test Experience Travelblogger
enjoying a multi-course tasting menu with multiple glasses of wine at a Michelin Star Restaurant in San Sebastian – but too much food isn’t good…

What to eat when you had too much food while on holidays

The first tip will be to basically pay attention to portion sizes and not overeat. Enjoy now and then, but not for every course of every meal, every day. Especially if your body is not used to this load of food in general, and it is fatty and salty and sugary on top. Alone the new mass of food can sent your intestines into emergency mode.

When wanting to switch up your diet after you had too much food on holidays you don’t have to drastically change your food intake, and follow a strict type of diet. Less of everything will be a great start, and overall what’s considered light whole foods or what is part of the low-fibre category of foods. Something that is not harmful, rich in nutrients of all kinds and most and foremost easily digestible. Chewing your food very well is also very relevant. Find in this other Blogpost some recipe ideas for when you had too much food while on holiday, with suggestions for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you feel like you need snacks, a piece of seedless and skinless fruit (in combination with some protein) will always work. In moderate quantities!

Blogpost: What to eat and recipe ideas for a low-fibre & low-residue diet

Enjoy Food thoughtfully

Do you have any further suggestions on low-residue bowel and belly friendly meals, after you had too much food while on holiday? Or even an experience report on how you felt sick on holiday by eating too much or too bad? Let me know in the comments below!

Starter: Mozzarella salad with smoked tofu and melon -- Organic Restaurant Castle Wartegg Lake Constance St Gallen -
Starter: Mozzarella salad with smoked tofu and melon at Organic Restaurant Castle Wartegg

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